As an Internet Marketer and even an user today, one needs either a UK phone number or US number. Maybe to carry out some runs or your online stuff OR even sometimes, offline stuffs. Well, you need not worry about getting your own free Uk number, I can help you do that.
I will help you set up the free 24/7 UK number that if dialled will ring here in naija with the caller (if properly not notified) will think you are in the UK. As funny as it may sound, it is the truth and I can help you configure it.
After configuring the UK phone number for you, it Doesnt need any form of Monthly, weekly or daily subscription or payment. Immediately after configuring you will be receiving call through your UK number 24/7 even for the next 10 years FOR FREE!
A sim card from any of the Networks, zain, Mtn, glo, Etisalat and so on.
At least, =N=100 credit on your phone.
And the most Imprtant, ME! Yes, I will personnally configure it for you straight up if the above two are ready.
To arrange a meeting with me to get your own Free UK number call or text: 08022747678.