1. Use lists.
2• Write posts that are useful to people
3• Learn enough to become the expert in your field.
4• Write long posts
5• Be the first with a great blog on your topic.
6• Announce about your blog
7• Encourage your readers to comment for suggestions
8• Don't write useless posts like "about your dog,cat,kids"
9• Write definitive posts.
10• Express your content in such a way that fellow bloggers can link
their posts to your content
11• Include polls, meters and other eye candy.
12• Tag your posts. Use 'Delicious'
13• Do email interviews with the well-known.
14• Answer your email
15• Be anonymous
16• Encourage your readers to digg your posts.
17• Post your photos on flickr
18• Encourage your readers to subscribe by RSS.
19• Include comments
20• Assume that every day is the beginning, because you always
have new readers.
21• Highlight your best posts on your squidoo lens.
22• Write about stuff that appeals to the majority of current blog
23• Write about Google.
24• Have relevant ads that are even better than your content.
25• Write posts that each include dozens of trackbacks to dozens of
blog posts so that people will notice you.
26• Keep tweaking your template
You can join mybloglog community to get exposure in your
blog.click here to join
www.thewecash.blogspot.com click here to join my forum