How To Handle Negetive Comments In A Blog Or forum
1.Negative Comments Are a Good Thing
I actually look forward to negative comments in my blog or forum because it's an indication of growth.
This is a genaral rule to keep in mind:as your blog or froum gets bigger,the number of negative comments
increases.Therefore,don't look at negative comments in a blog or forum as a bad thing.It's really o good
thing-your blog or forum is growing!Evil rule to remember:if you're not pissing somebody off,you're not
doing it right.
This does not mean you should purposely try to piss readers off. That would be stupid.What is does
mean is you cannot please everyone all the time and you shouldn't even try.That goal is not possible
no matter how much we wish for it.The blogsphere is too diverse a place for everyone to be happy with
what you have to say or do.
2.Negative Comments Encourage Discussions
Lets face it, a blog or forum comment section would be pretty boring if everyone replied,Great post!I completely
agree with you.''Having a negative comment show up in post encourages discussions among the readership.
It's the same as a flame war in forum.While many poeple say flame war are bad,most forum owner won't stop
it once it starts because it generates a lot of traffic and traffic equals money.
This is one reason why allow negative comments on my blog or forum .I know the negative comments will bring
people on both sides of the issue to post their views it's ironic that the negative commentators warning of
traffic decline are in fact helping to increase traffic.
3.People Who Say They're Leaving Don't
No one really completely leaves a site.They may not visit as often as used to but it's rare for onyone to
never come back.I've had commentators post that my blog or forum had change for the worst and they're leaving
and never coming back.The next day,they're flaming me again for another post.
4.How to Handle a Negative comment
The best way to handle a negative comment is thank the reader for making it and then address his corncerns.Never
flame the reader even if he flame you.That makes you look extremely unprofessional.While you can edit a negative
comment for profanity,you should never delete it. A comment is the same as content and content drives traffic.
The next time you read a few negative comment on your blog or forum,don't look at it as bad thing.Instead,it's
a sign that your blog or forum is growing and you're doing something right.If you never get a negative comment on
blog or forum,you are doing wrong.
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