4.They Give out Lots of link love
Succsseful bloggers don't hoard links.They don't have problem with linking to a pro blog.They put
concerns of the readers ahead of google ranking.If another blog has a good story or ideas on the topic i
cover,I dont,t care what their pagerank is,i'm going to link to them.
Too many bloggers are caugth up with SEO and link count.They only want high ranking blogs linking to them
and won't link to low ranking blog.i've linked to hundred of brand new zero ranked blog and who know how
many zero ranked blogs have link to me.
5.They Know How To Brand Themselves
Successful bloggers know how to brand.Brandind will separate your blog from the millions out there.The most
unique thing about your is not the topic you're writing about.What makes your blog stand out?The answer is
simple-you!Your ability to promote and brand your self will separate your blog from the pack.
Very few blogs ever gotten big without some kind of tier one level press coverage.This doesn't mean you need
to hit the front page of the NEW YORK TIME.You can turnany coverage into brand building materials.
6.They Are Good writers
You do not have to be a great writer to have a successful blog but you do need to be good at getting your ideas
across in an understandable manner. Most readers read blogs for information.They will forgive occasional grammar
mistakes as long you get your point across.If your readers are having trouble understanding what you're trying to
say then you need to improve your writing skills.
7.They read thewebcash.blogspot.com and follow it
This is 100% true Successful bloggers read other successful bloggers'blog.i check out all the big name bloggers
everyday to see what they are talk about.You are never to big to stop learning.
You can check out the big bloggers community in our blog
www.thewecash.blogspot.comTo be continued for more detail about this topic join us at cashvilla-forum
www.cashvilla.net/forumthanks and God bless you as you read