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Author Topic: Google AdSense Secrets Revealed Lesson 5  (Read 2823 times)


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Google AdSense Secrets Revealed Lesson 5
« on: January 02, 2010, 01:37:15 PM »
Let's talk about getting traffic and tracking it to improve your results.
Now, realistically there is no way I can go into every aspect of getting traffic to your
site and converting it to clicks, but what I can do it go over the basics with you and
hopefully give you some ideas that you can use.
There are many different strategies that you can use to make sure you squeeze the
maximum amount of profits out of the Adsense program.
Most importantly is traffic generation. Since the revenue that you generate from
Adsense is based on the cost per click (CPC) and cost per thousand impressions
(CPM) It stands to reason that the more traffic your have to your website the better
your chances are of achieving higher click through rates and making more money.
Which I assume is your ultimate goal!
Getting traffic can be a challenge to any webmaster. Here is a brief list of some of
the different methods that you can use:
- Search Engine Optimization (SEO) - Traffic exchange programs - Link exchange
programs - Writing and submitting articles to directories - Pay per click programs -
Blogs, weblogs or online forums - Email marketing
Once you start getting traffic you want to do everything you can to convert that
traffic in to clicks on your Adsense ads. Like we discussed in lesson one, a well laid
out web page with good content is the best place to start. It will help keep your
website visitors interested and they will be more apt to stay longer, come back often
and click on your ads more.
There are other tips and tricks that you can use to get people to click on your ads.
Like adding pictures that are related to that type of ads that you are showing to draw
more attention to the ads, but make sure that you adhere to the Adsense terms.
You cannot use pictures of people looking or pointing to the ads or in any way
indicating that people should click on the ads. The best thing you can do is make
sure the graphics incorporate nicely into the site design in a way that will enhance
the ads without shouting out "CLICK ME".
I know all of this may seem complicated and time consuming, but it will all become
clear as you become more familiar with the program.
If you need extra help or you want to know what other publishers are doing why not
join the Adsense forums? You can keep up with what is going on and you can get
some really good tips and information on the best ways to make the most money
from you Adsense ads. For details and to join,

Contact us from our site.
Thanks for reading