Source: current state of the Nigerian society is unveiled and discussed briefly.
Man through his mad and senseless ambition to acquire wealth by crude and evil means, has made life very unbearable and unpleasant for others. The said get-rich quick syndrome, has led our present-day youths into many societal evils. God’s good intention in creating man has been continuously abused by man himself.
Today, we are living in a world of fear, tension and insecurity. Things are getting out of hand. Ends can hardly meet. No day passes without one form of atrocity or the other committed. Kidnapping and the newest form ‘adult-napping’ and armed robbery have remained unabated. Nobody is sure of the next day as every passing hour is full of anxiety and uncertainty. Our minds remain often in suspense. It is no longer only the rich or the highly placed that are robbed and kidnapped; it has spread to all strata of the society and human race. Children, old men and women, rich and poor, now stand the risk of sudden kidnapping. In the words of Chinua Achebe, things are no longer at ease. Their areas of operations have broadened even to our sacred places of worship. Revered men of God have lately fallen victims of these day-to-day ugly affairs.