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Author Topic: SLAVERY  (Read 3126 times)


  • PRINCE [ HRM ]
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« on: March 10, 2011, 11:39:18 AM »
THE SPATE/BANE OF MODERN SLAVERY                                                                                                                                        Slavery simply means bondage, captivity, held bound, deprivation of rights, restriction of freedom, marginalization, abandonment, oppression of less privileged person by the privileged or affluent in the society, and obsession / suppression of individuals, groups of people, and community by the powers and authorities that be to bend all to obey and do whatever they wills and command either through due processes or without due process so they can have their way at the detriment of others. This may takes time , cost money, waste lives, destroy community, dashes hopes, dwindles businesses, breach laws, acts, principles and policies without due consideration, modern sciences of management and administration, checks and balances erected to shove off the illegalities for people to at least enjoy something when the goings are tougher .
We have suffered slavery from the white man for years, right from the seventeenth century when the Portuguese first landed in the shore on the Niger Delta to  our fathers and repay our then trustees with salt, mirrors, their language, Holy Bible, white man's prayers, cigarettes, bicycles, and more of the cheats. Later on the British came after the exit of the Portuguese, in the nineteenth century with their GUNS and imposed HOLY BIBLES of the True Religion to defame our traditional customs. With time we accepted the Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior and we all calmed down to let the white man have their ways and rule us while they blinded folded us with what they presented to our kings, rulers and trustees. Some how we got to know that we were in deed in worst state of life and we sent our CHILDREN TO SCHOOL TO LEARN FROM THE WHITE MAN SO WE COULD KNOW THEM WELL AND DEFEAT THEM WELL IN THEIR OWN WAYS AND WE IN DEED GOT IT RIGHT,WE DEFEATED THEM ALL IN SPITE OF ALL THEY DID TO US AND SECURED OUR LONG AWAITED FREEDOM, INDEPENDENCE.
Now, we have INDEPENDENCE from the white man and our own SONS and DAUGHTERS has again been made to enslave us the more, more than all the white man did to us hundreds of years ago. What is going on? Have ours has no head to think and mindful consciences to consider where we all started, where we are now and where we are to go and be? What is the problem with the government of our Great State call NIGERIA? Should we continue like this and not change for the best as the entire world is fast becoming a global economy thriving on greatest growths and developments that are fast transformational and regenerational  to making the forthcoming millennial systems a formidable world system that make mankind far better than the pre-historic, historic times to which we all now live in?
We just must move with the current, wind, anointing, feasibility of the real days now, so we will not regret tomorrow when we shall see today baby economies doing far better than ours. I pray we get it all right now. We can not afford to fail like our ancestors did in their times. We must go higher everyday than they did.

We need credible leaders and rulers, managers and administrators, kings and trustees, fathers and mothers, youths and children that thinks clearly and work effectively harder than ever before. We must win our days now. We must PREVAIL now. We must help the government of the day to actualize policies and projects embarked on to make Niger Delta and Nigeria far better than yesterday.

GOD is ever on our sides to help us move forward and progress greatly. We must shun all forms of violence. We are gradually getting there. Please, SUPPORT PRESIDENT GOODLUCK EBELE JONATHAN [GCFR] TO MOVE NIGERIA FORWARD TODAY.
May God lift You up everyday of your life in every area of your life.
We just must overcome modern slavery in every way possible by and with freedom.

Great Niger Deltans, we must be free in our minds and hearts!
Great Nigerians , we must be free as citizens and live as real citizens!