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Author Topic: Government of the UAE, IRENA Scholarship Programme for International Students  (Read 4062 times)

Peter B

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The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) is now accepting applications for IRENA scholarship programme for 2013-2015 academic years. The scholarship is open for the international students to pursue any one of the eight MSc courses at MASDAR Institute of Science and Technology, UAE. MSc scholars will also work on a research project relevant to renewable energies in  to complete Master thesis. Total 20 full scholarships are available. Application will be closed on 31st May 2013.

Study Subject(s): During the two years Programme at MASDAR Institute, IRENA’s MSc scholars will work on a research project relevant to renewable energies and can select between following eight MSc Programmes. The study is completed with a Master thesis. The eight MSc programme are Chemical Engineering, Computing and Information Science, Electrical Power Engineering, Engineering Systems and Management, Materials Science and Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Microsystems Engineering, Water and Environmental Engineering.
Course Level: The scholarship is available for pursuing master’s degree at at MASDAR Institute of Science and Technology.
Scholarship Provider: The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA).
Scholarship can be taken at: United Arab Emirates

 -Relevant undergraduate degree from a college, university or technical college of acceptable standing in the field of science, engineering or information technology
-Minimum CGPA required: 3.0 on a scale of 4.0.
-Competence in spoken and written English. Minimum TOEFL score: 91 (IBT) on the international TOEFL. Minimum academic IELTS score: 6.5.
-Minimum GRE quantitative score: 700(or 155 on the new scale).
-Academic record and credentials must indicate the ability to achieve distinction.

Scholarship Open for International Students: International students (priority will be given to applicants from developing countries) can apply for this scholarship.
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